Project Dissemination

In all involved countries, associated partners of different nature have been identified in advance (universities, socio-cultural animation centers for adults, research centres, schools, public institutions relevant to the education and training sectors), who will facilitate the circulation of Streets aligned.

In Italy, Idrisi Cultura e Sviluppo has already sensitized numerous educational centers about Streets aligned. The project was shared with the management of the F. Scaduto State High School (Bagheria, Palermo), an institute of excellence which, in addition to providing formal education for young learners, is historically a center of social and cultural aggregation in service of the eastern suburbs of Palermo. The design draft was also shared with "Ninni Cassarà" State Linguistic High School (Palermo), another agency in a peripheral context.

From an institutional point of view, the project has been shared with figures of responsibility of the Palermo municipal administration: this manifestation of interest will considerably strengthen the design impact and the possibilities of implementation in school and extra-scholastic educational centers.

Idrisi Cultura e Sviluppo also dialogues profitably with the University of Palermo (School of Human Sciences, School of Legal Sciences): this dialogue is of particular importance for the dissemination of Streets aligned in favor of adult learners in the educational area: future educators , teachers, training professionals.

The associated Italian network is further strengthened by the consolidated relationships and collaborations (local and regional, national and European) of the IISS Pio La Torre with numerous public and private bodies of relevance for the sectors of interest here. IISS Pio La Torre also boasts experience in Erasmus+ cooperation projects: this has ensured the consolidation of the relationship with thematically related European public and private organizations including AEVA (Portugal), BALGARSKA AGENTSIYA ZA RAZVITIE (Bulgarian Development Agency, Bulgaria), Thora Storm videregående skole (Norway), Ceipes – International Center for the Promotion of Education and Development (Italy).

Arista Deka, a Cypriot partner, has a profound relational and collaborative aptitude: an element of strength of Arista Deka is the dissemination of planning and project results and its curriculum contains very relevant experiences in such

Genderové Informační Centrum NORA o.p.s fruitfully collaborates with Masaryk University (Brno, CZ) and with numerous schools and educational centers in the Czech Republic. Thanks to Nora's consolidated experience in the Erasmus+ framework and the international attitude of our expert partner, we note the fruitful relationship with European bodies active in promoting an inclusive LGBTIQ educational perspective particularly interested in Streets aligned: KUN (Norway), Estonian Women`s Associations Roundtable (Estonia).

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